3 Roadblocks to Healing
Why is it that some people get healed and others do not?
This is a question I often hear from people as I travel and minister healing around the world. The truth is, it’s complicated and there’s no “one-size-fits-all” answer.
In my 50+ years of being in the healing ministry, I have seen many healing scenarios of varying types. Not only have I experienced God’s healing power in my own life, but I’ve seen firsthand the power of healing demonstrated in the lives of tens of thousands, around the world. I’ve seen countless individuals find new life, hope, and freedom through the transformative power of God’s love.
As I am praying for people to be healed, I often find blocks or obstacles that have prevented them from experiencing the fullness of God’s healing power. Once I uncover these blocks, pray, and address them, the person is easily able to receive their healing and miracles happen!
While there are many possible blocks to healing, today I want to focus on three of the most common roadblocks—unforgiveness, unconfessed sin, and doubt or unbelief. These three issues can impact your ability to receive and experience God’s healing power in your life.
Today, we will explore each of these blocks in detail, understand how they affect your healing journey and learn biblical principles for overcoming them to receive the fullness of God’s healing. Whether you are seeking physical, emotional, spiritual, relational, or financial healing, this will help you break free from these common blocks and receive the abundant life that Jesus came to give you.
Roadblock #1: Unforgiveness
Unforgiveness can be a significant barrier to experiencing healing in your life. According to the Bible, if we hold onto bitterness and anger towards others, it can keep us from experiencing the fullness of God’s love and grace.
In Matthew, Jesus says:
“But if you withhold forgiveness from others, your Father withholds forgiveness from you.”
Matthew 6:15 TPT
Colossians 3:13 adds:
“Tolerate the weaknesses of those in the family of faith, forgiving one another in the same way you have been graciously forgiven by Jesus Christ. If you find fault with someone, release this same gift of forgiveness to them.”
Colossians 3:13 TPT
I know you may be thinking … “but that’s talking about forgiveness, not healing.” True. However, the Bible also talks about how sin can create a separation between us and God and therefore prevent him from hearing our prayers (Isaiah 59:2).
When you look at the big picture, you can see that overcoming the block of unforgiveness can be a critical piece to receiving your healing breakthrough. Forgiveness requires a choice on your part. It doesn’t change what the person did or make it okay. But it does set you free and open you up to receive the blessings of God.
In my healing schools, as I lead people through heart healing, I always like to remind them that unforgiveness is the poison you drink, hoping the other person gets sick.
It’s time for you to release all the unforgiveness and leave it in God’s hands! As you let go of bitterness, anger, and resentment, and embrace forgiveness, you open yourself up to the transformative power of God’s healing grace.
Roadblock #2: Unconfessed Sin
Unconfessed sin can also block the flow of healing in your life. Confessing and repenting of your sins is essential to experiencing God’s forgiveness and restoration.
“If you cover up your sin you’ll never do well. But if you confess your sins and forsake them, you will be kissed by mercy.”
Proverbs 28:13 TPT
Wow, what a beautiful picture—being kissed by mercy! It’s the love and mercy of God that brings healing into your life. When you have unconfessed sin, it can block the mercy of God from flowing to you!
So, what is the solution? Repentance.
The book of James instructs us to confess and acknowledge our sins so that we can be healed!
Confess and acknowledge how you have offended one another and then pray for one another to be instantly healed, for tremendous power is released through the passionate heartfelt prayer of a godly believer! (James 5:16 TPT)
To overcome this, it will require that you are honest and humble with God. Admit your wrongdoing or impure motives and sincerely ask God to forgive you and he will. When you confess sin, the blood of Jesus washes over your heart and you’ll be open to the cleansing power of God’s forgiveness. You’ll also receive the restoration of your relationship with him—including the healed and abundant life he promises you!
Roadblock #3: Doubt and Unbelief
Doubt and unbelief can also block the manifestation of healing in your life. Faith in God’s power and desire to heal you, is a crucial aspect of receiving. Think about the woman with the issue of blood. Her faith was so powerful that she knew if she could touch the hem of Jesus’ robe she would be healed (Mark 5).
There are many times that Jesus wanted to heal people but couldn’t because of their unbelief.
“And their unbelief kept him from doing many mighty miracles in Nazareth.”
Matthew 13:58 TPT
The same is true today. Anytime faith is high in our healing and miracle services, there are always more miracles and faster healings that take place!
Faith empowers miracles and allows them to happen!
When you pray and ask God for healing, or when you request prayer from others, you must have faith for the healing. If you don’t have faith, or if your faith wavers, then ask God to help your unbelief (Mark 9:23-25). Otherwise, your healing could be blocked.
“Just make sure you ask empowered by confident faith without doubting that you will receive. For the ambivalent person believes one minute and doubts the next. Being undecided makes you become like the rough seas driven and tossed by the wind. You’re up one minute and tossed down the next.”
James 1:6 TPT
You can’t doubt that God can and will heal you! Nor can you doubt that you are worthy or deserving of the healing. Instead, believe the truth—God loves you, he is merciful and full of kindness and he wants, more than anything, to heal you and see you set free from everything that holds you back!
Overcoming the block of doubt and unbelief requires building your faith and trusting in God’s power to heal. This happens as you meditate on his Word, pray in faith, and spend time with others who have strong faith so they can believe with you and encourage you. This will cause your faith to grow and your doubts to subside.
Are you ready to live a life of joy, peace, and purpose, knowing that you have received the fullness of God’s healing power in your life?
Let’s get those roadblocks removed so you can! There are a few simple things you can do right now to position yourself to receive your healing.
How To Get Positioned For Healing
- Confess and repent of any sins.
- Forgive others and ask for forgiveness.
- Increase your faith through reading and meditating on the Word of God.
- Get prayer through the laying on of hands from leaders you trust.
- Receive your healing in faith and believe that all things are possible with Jesus.
God can pour out his healing power in your life. You can live a life of forgiveness, faith, and obedience, knowing that God has a path for you that leads to experiencing the abundant and prosperous life he has planned and designed just for you!
Remember, God’s healing power is available to you!
I am blessed to be a blessing … and so are you!