Active Faith in Pursuit of Purpose
I grew up in the Baptist church and have seen and heard some pretty interesting things. I’ve also been told some things about my life that made me either roll my eyes or silently ask God to cue the Twilight Zone theme song. Yet, I always held out a tiny bit of hope within my heart, just in case what I was being told was true.
Now that I am older and have experienced quite a few things in my walk as a believer, I have learned that no matter the circumstance or experience, God ALWAYS has a plan for how he will work every situation out for my good (when I let him).
However, the one issue I’ve always wrestled with is what to do with myself in the meantime. Despite our greatest efforts and intentions to trust God’s will, way, and time, there will always be people, obstacles, and even our own mind demanding that we just DO SOMETHING! Unfortunately, that “do something” is rarely ever to fast, pray, worship, or cast your cares upon God, at least not consistently. The knee-jerk reaction most people have to the trials of life is to call someone, gather a consensus of what we should do from social media or TV, set someone straight, or whatever comes to mind to get some sort of resolution . . . NOW!
Even so, God’s word tells us in Hebrews 11:6 that when we wait for him to make his will unequivocally known, he not only shows up but rewards our faithfulness.
“And without faith living within us it would be impossible to please God. For we come to God in faith knowing that he is real and that he rewards the faith of those who passionately seek him.”
Hebrews 11:6 TPT
Now, as good as all that sounds, the reality is that sometimes the issues of life become so overwhelming that we begin to feel like everything will just go to pot if we don’t act. Which is why I am not suggesting that we just stand there and let the ship sink. The question here is not whether or not God wants us to try and work out our problems. It’s whether we are truly willing to lay ourselves and everything that comes with us before him so that he can lead us through all that comes our way, and manifest his highest good for all involved.
Surrendering to God’s Will
So, what are some things we can do to cultivate our faith as we stand in anticipation of God’s highest good?
The first thing God calls us to do is surrender. In Luke 9:23, Jesus said that if anyone would come after him, they must be willing to deny themselves, take up their cross (will) daily and follow him. This form of surrender is not a one-time event that takes place at the altar. According to the passage above, this action must take place daily and is more so a mindset and intentional disposition of one’s heart. This can be done during a morning prayer time, or while still laying in bed building up momentum to officially get up.
“Jesus said to all of his followers, “If you truly desire to be my disciple, you must disown your life completely, embrace my ‘cross’ as your own, and surrender to my ways.”
Luke 9:23 TPT
The point is to acknowledge that you have submitted yourself and your will to whatever it is God wants to do with both, for your good, his glory, and the good of all those you encounter. This intention should be spoken verbally, most effectively at the start of each day during your morning prayer time as you seek God’s guidance for the day ahead.
Studying God’s Word
How long do you study God’s word every day? Many of us have incredible difficulty obeying God’s Word for one simple reason; We don’t know it. 2 Timothy 2:15 instructs us to study God’s Word to show ourselves approved. So, in those times of waiting, taking even a few minutes each day to open up God’s Word is one of the most beneficial actions you can take in pursuit of God’s will for your life.
“Always be eager to present yourself before God as a perfect and mature minister, without shame, as one who correctly explains the Word of Truth.”
2 Timothy 2:15 TPT
This includes not only Scripture reading, but memorization as well. It is absolutely true that the word works when you work it, but you can’t work what you don’t have. When you feel pressure to take matters into your own hands, do so by consulting God’s Word first and rest in his truth and instruction concerning the matter.
Affirming God’s Truth
Surrendering to God’s will and studying God’s Word may seem like no brainers when seeking to follow God’s leading. Yet, one of the best ways to solidify God’s word in your heart is to write what he tells you and affirm it over your life. This is a crucial step in opening your heart and mind to God’s best outcome in every situation, even when we can’t see it and feel compelled to act.
I combined writing and affirming because in order to speak God’s Word over oneself, we must be receptive to God’s leading and instruction concerning his will. This is not something we strive for, as God is always ready to reveal himself and his plan for us when we prioritize time to fellowship with him.
That’s why it’s so important for us to set aside time each day to connect with God in some sort of spiritual practice. During this time, we recognize God’s power and authority, express gratitude for his presence and provision, share our concerns with him, and then quiet our hearts to listen for his guidance. For believers, prayer is like spiritual oxygen. It revitalizes us, provides relief, and gives us spiritual direction that can only be carried out with the help of the Holy Spirit.
There will be times when we’ll receive something that we don’t understand, or that seems incomplete, but writing it down will allow us to accurately reference as God leads us to it. It will also give us something else to proactively say with faith and assurance as we pursue God’s purpose, instead of the doubts, concerns, and chaos that speak to contradict.
Proverbs 18:21 reminds us that the words we speak have power. Therefore, as we commit to surrender our heart daily in prayer and the study of God’s Word, I encourage you to take those times of fellowship one step further. Start by taking a verse or two and committing it to memory. Then practice crafting life-giving affirmations from those verses and the vision God is speaking into your heart. It is then necessary to intentionally set aside time to read these affirmations, with faith and expectation concerning God’s hand at work in your life. Not to “make” something happen but remain in a place of alignment with all God is doing in the midst of inevitable distractions.
“Your words are so powerful that they will kill or give life, and the talkative person will reap the consequences.”
Proverbs 18:21 TPT
You don’t need to spend an hour on this. Just ten minutes at the beginning of your day, or a few moments throughout, are enough to help you shift your focus towards God’s purpose. Even when life’s challenges demand immediate action, remember that following God’s way is always the better choice. He loves you, and when used consistently, these tools will help you stay faithfully occupied as you await God’s best for your life.
You may understand that there is power in the Word of God. However, learning to apply the Word to your life is also important, and this journal was designed to help you cultivate a key component of that process—prayer!
Habakkuk 2:2 says to write the vision and make it plain, so that you can run toward it as you read it. This text only confirms that right thinking, living, and believing is not automatic; it requires effort and participation. That starts with writing and speaking the change you want to see and be!
In this 52-week prayer journal, J. Marie Jones will encourage you to
- engage in the critical practice of speaking life-giving words with faith and intention,
- declare what you already know to be true,
- establish a lifestyle of consistent prayer, and
- keep a record of your faith-filled prayers and reflections.
You can experience sustainable, positive change as you surrender your heart to God’s will and affirm his Word over your life.
Click here to learn more.