Faith and Patience

Our “heavenly Joshua” is more than enough to empower us to overcome every stronghold. There is never a lack of power available for your life. What releases the powerful life of Jesus into us? Faith. But you say, “Why am I not seeing more victory? I have faith in his promises. I have faith in his power to fill me and use me.” Yes, but do you have patience?
“Don’t allow your hearts to grow dull or lose your enthusiasm, but follow the example of those who fully received what God has promised because of their strong faith and patient endurance.“
Hebrews 6:12 TPT
In other words, don’t be disappointed by the process, for the Scripture verse says that it’s by faith and patient endurance that we inherit the promises. The word dull is taken from a root word meaning “illegitimate child.” The implication is that we must not see ourselves as a child of illegitimacy but as a child of intimacy. We are God’s beloved children and must keep our relationship with him fervent and passionate, even if it seems our progress is slow. Now we’re ready for the next strategic key for the Joshua generation.
A Little at a Time
Upon our salvation, we’ve received every blessing heaven contains in Jesus Christ. Yet, there’s still a growth process that we all must go through. It takes time to mature into the fullness of Christ’s likeness. Because the process seems to be prolonged, some grow dull—feeling like Father God has forgotten them—rather than understanding the preparation process that we all must experience.
Don’t let the process rob you of joy! Keep on going for him no matter how you feel. Encourage yourself in the Lord and press in for more. You must remain hungry for more. Hunger for what you see in the lives of other Christians around you who have been serving him for years. If you are faithful, you will soon get there. Each breakthrough will prepare you for the next.
For forty years, Israel wandered and rejected the process of growing in faith and patient endurance. For that reason, they could not enter into their inheritance. Now, a new generation rises, a Joshua generation, and they must not repeat the failures of a previous generation. Remain faithful, my friend, no matter how long the process. Jesus is worth it all!
God has a part, and we have our part. We can’t do his part, and he won’t do ours. We must embrace his wonderful promises and step out in faith. For instance, here’s a wonderful promise given to Joshua, which I believe we can take for ourselves:
“Every part of the land where you march, I will give you, as I promised Moses”
Joshua 1:3 TPT
He’ll give you every place that you set your foot upon. How powerful it is when we choose to partner with the God of the Universe. For nothing is impossible with him, and likewise, nothing is impossible for you as you go forward at his command. Faith will demolish your strongholds; it is the victory that overcomes the world! Stepping out with more faith equals possessing more of your inheritance. The promises God has given you for your family, your finances, and your future depend upon your faith to activate them. Step out and claim them today.
You Must Be Strong
“Be strong and brave” were the words Joshua heard God himself speak to him. This generation needs to hear this. We all need to hear it. Be strong, don’t give up, and don’t worry about momentary problems. It’ll be alright. It’ll work out, and you’ll be okay. So be strong and brave!
“You must be strong and brave.“
Joshua 1:6 TPT
“I repeat, be strong and brave! Do not yield to fear nor be discouraged, for I am Yahweh your God, and I will be with you wherever you go!“
Joshua 1:9 TPT
Joshua was facing a lot of handicaps. He basically took a youth group into the promised land to fight against giants. Can you imagine? They had no weapons or military experience, and the walls of the city were high. But God kept telling them to be strong and courageous. All they had was God, and he is always more than enough. He is a majority. So, don’t worry. You, too, have God and his strength. The Almighty has this, and so do you. Almighty and family!
There are unique tasks that this generation must rise to. The Joshua generation of this era must go in and topple those strongholds that Moses couldn’t. Moses didn’t knock down Jericho’s walls, but Joshua and his followers did. We must be strong where others may have failed to finish.
Not only do we need to listen to the preceding generation, but there are things that only the Holy Spirit can teach us. And if we have good mentors, they’ll teach us to hear the Holy Spirit for ourselves because the Holy Spirit will take us further than any man can. True spiritual enlightenment and revelation are the specialties of the Holy Spirit. Men can open a door for us, but we must go past them to fulfill what God has for us. Only then can we complete our mission for our own generation.
Let’s Pray
Lord, sometimes I feel so weak. I know that I could never enter into your fullness without your strength. I lay my weakness before you. I exchange my weakness for your strength. I want to rise and not fall. I want to do exploits for you and your kingdom. Empower me today with strength and might in my inner being. I trust in you alone, my Lord and my God. Amen.

The above was adapted from The Joshua Generation: A 40-Day Journey into Your Promised Land, a devotional commentary on the book of Joshua.
Stuck in a spiritual wilderness, it can be easy to forget that God remains the God of overcomers. The power and victory present in the Old Testament still exist for Christians today.
In this biblical commentary, Brian and Candice Simmons will take you on a forty-day journey through Joshua with the empowering story of the Joshua generation. Be transformed from a wanderer to a warrior as you learn truths and strategies that will equip you to conquer giants of unbelief and possess your promised land. Just like Joshua, you can trust God’s promises during uncertainty. His strength can restore and release you to do his work for his purpose.
A new breed of believers is rising, stirred by the acts of Joshua and the people who followed him. Join these overcomers and watch God revive the faith of this generation. Click here to learn more.