God loves you and desires for you to be blessed with fruitfulness in every area of your life. Right in the very beginning of the Bible, we see his heart for mankind: and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful.’(Genesis 1:28a) He wants you to enjoy fruitfulness—he created you for this very purpose.
Take a moment and imagine yourself overflowing with fruitfulness in everything you put your hands to. Yes, everything you touch is blessed. Your family life bears fruit, your provision bears fruit and increases. You are fruitful in your workplace and in all your relationships. This is truly God’s will for you.
In John 15:5, Jesus taught his disciples a secret from the Father concerning fruitfulness. He said,
I am the sprouting vine and you’re my branches. [e] As you live in union with me as your source, fruitfulness will stream from within you—but when you live separated from me you are powerless.
John 15:5 TPT
I once had a tree in our yard that produced lemons that were enormous and plenteous. There were so many lemons on the tree that the branches would sometimes break due to the weight. They were loaded with fruit. The branches by themselves had no ability to produce those glorious lemons. They simply hosted the fruit. If I cut off a branch, put it on my table, and commanded with all my might, “Produce lemons.” no matter how hard the branch might attempt to comply, it would not produce even one lemon. Why? Because it was not attached to the tree. On its own, it can produce nothing. It must abide in the lemon tree to produce like fruit.
This is a picture of you and me when we are in Christ. Jesus Christ is the life-giving tree. You become a branch in this glorious tree when you invite him into your heart to be your Savior and Lord. He comes by his Spirit and lives in you when you ask him with sincere faith, and your life is then in him. His life-giving Spirit living in you produces fruit. You don’t need to strive or worry. You simply need to believe with joyful expectation that what God promised you, he will fulfill. You are destined in him to bear fruit—much fruit!