Messengers of Hope: Embracing Our Role as Angels to Spread the Good News of the Gospel

With the spirit of Christmas upon us, let’s reflect on the role angels play in our lives. Angels were created by God for three distinct purposes: to reveal, to worship, and to serve.
Angels and humans share many qualities as we were both created by God to worship him and bring forth the good news of Jesus Christ. However, as humans created in the image of God, we hold a superior position. We reign on earth now and will one day rule over the angels. In Genesis 1:26–28 we are taught that God created man and woman in his image to reign over the earth.
“Then God said, ‘Let us make a man and a woman in our image to be like us. Let them reign over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the livestock, over the creatures that creep along the ground, and over the wild animals.’
Genesis 1:26–28 TPT
So God created man and woman and shaped them with his image inside them.
In his own beautiful image, he created his masterpiece. Yes, male and female he created them. And God blessed them in his love, saying, ‘Reproduce and be fruitful! Populate the earth and subdue it! Reign over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and every creature that lives on earth.'”
While living on earth, we can trust God to send his angels to reveal important information to us, as seen throughout the Bible. The angels brought the good news to us on that holy night of Christ’s birth, giving us a message of hope, love, and salvation that we can read in Luke 2:8.
“That night, in a field near Bethlehem, shepherds were watching over their flocks. Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared in radiant splendor before them, lighting up the field with the blazing glory of God, and the shepherds were terrified! But the angel reassured them, saying, ‘Don’t be afraid, for I have come to bring you good news, the most joyous news the world has ever heard! And it is for everyone everywhere! For today in Bethlehem a rescuer was born for you. He is the Lord Yahweh, the Messiah.'”
Luke 2:8 TPT
The angels are messengers of God and so are we, called to proclaim the gospel and set the captives free. Angels are incredible beings created by God to glorify him, encourage believers, and protect his people. They actively do his will and fight spiritual battles for others through intercession and prayer. The Bible assures us of God’s protection through angels, as stated in Psalm 91:11.
“God sends angels with special orders to protect you wherever you go, defending you from all harm.”
Psalm 91:11 TPT
Angels are known to have wings, symbolizing love, strength, healing, freedom, and refuge.
As representatives of the Lord on earth, we cover others in the shadow of our wings, carrying his spirit and giving all honor, glory, and praise to him. We are God’s messengers on earth, sent to strengthen, teach, encourage, protect, and provide for others, empowered by the Holy Spirit of peace and strength.
We operate from a heavenly perspective, casting out fear and bringing lightness to burdens with the love of God.
Jesus our Savior, the One who deserves all praise and worship, in his humility and love, cast himself lower than his created angels and became one of us on that holy night of his birth, known as Christmas.
“But we see Jesus, who as a man, lived for a short time lower than the angels and has now been crowned with glorious honor because of what he suffered in his death. For it was by God’s grace that he experienced death’s bitterness on behalf of everyone!”
Hebrews 2:9 TPT
Through his sacrifice, he has given us power and dominion to bring souls to him by sharing his good news. As we immerse ourselves in the spirit of Christmas, let us reflect on the angels’ role in spreading the gospel and our part in becoming messengers of hope to others.
May we serve the Lord in the same dedicated way as angels, offering comfort, healing, and hope to those in need.
Angels announced his birth. We announce how his life changed ours.
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, who is, and who is to come!
La Vonne Earl is the author of A Coach for Christ.
Helping others to heal and to spread the love of Christ is her heart’s desire.