Spring Clean Your Life!
Spring is here! A beautiful season the Lord has given to us to show through creation that he continually makes all things new! Praise him!
“Stop dwelling on the past. Don’t even remember these former things. I am doing something brand new, something unheard of. Even now it sprouts and grows and matures. Don’t you perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and open up flowing streams in the desert.”
Isaiah 43:18-19 TPT
Are you ready to partner with the Lord and do some “spring cleaning”? God desires to lighten your load. He will help you clean out whatever does not belong in your life so that you can flourish! Start fresh with the Lord and ditch all the things that are weighing you down.
Here are some tips to help you “spring clean” your life.
Personal Audit
“God, I invite your searching gaze into my heart. Examine me through and through; find out everything that may be hidden within me. Put me to the test and sift through all my anxious cares. See if there is any path of pain I’m walking on, and lead me back to your glorious, everlasting way—the path that brings me back to you.”
Psalm 139:23-24 TPT
In our ministry we utilize the Circle of Personal Perspective to take a personal audit. The Circle contains the six key areas of your life; Spiritual, Relationships, Emotional Wellness, Physical Wellness, Career and Finances.
Using Psalm 139:23-24, go through each area and ask God to show you what you need to eliminate and what you need to add to live your very best life for him! Much of the pain that we go through in life is self-imposed.
We please God when we are doing what is right in his sight. Therefore, if you are to suffer, do so because you are doing what is right. There is no reward for suffering from your own wrongdoing.
“You find God’s favor by deciding to please God even when you endure hardships because of unjust suffering. For what merit is it to endure mistreatment for wrongdoing? Yet if you are mistreated when you do what is right, and you faithfully endure it, this is commendable before God.”
1 Peter 2:19-20 TPT
If we are suffering, we would be wise to take inventory of our life to find out where the problem lies. It may be that we aren’t walking in the wisdom that God has set out for us in his Word. Be honest with yourself and God and allow him to direct your path.
Audit your Relationships
One of the things that causes the greatest pain in our lives is relationships, therefore it is imperative that we take inventory often.
“Don’t continue to team up with unbelievers in mismatched alliances, for what partnership is there between righteousness and rebellion? Who could mingle light with darkness?”
2 Corinthians 6:14 TPT
We only have so many hours in our days, and we want to make sure we are stewarding our time well. We should be purposeful in our relationships and have both an inner and outer circle. Our inner circle should contain the relationships that feed our souls and encourage us to continue to run the race for the Lord. These relationships are our close family and friends who are believers.
We also have an outer circle which contains the relationships that we influence. This is usually our ministry and charitable work, our coworkers, and acquaintances. They aren’t necessarily believers; they are those that we seek to have a godly impact on.
As you take note of your relationships you may find that there are draining or toxic relationships that need to be moved to your outer circle. You may need to love them from a greater distance. Seek the Lord and his guidance, allowing love to motivate your decisions. The greatest love that we can offer others is to give them the opportunity to grow into who God created them to be.
Healthy Boundaries
As you go through the six key areas of your life, remember that healthy boundaries will create growth. As you set healthy boundaries for yourself and others, greater peace, more joy, and godly growth will be the result.
One of the most important boundaries that you can set on yourself is in your mind.
“We can demolish every deceptive fantasy that opposes God and break through every arrogant attitude that is raised up in defiance of the true knowledge of God. We capture, like prisoners of war, every thought and insist that it bow in obedience to the Anointed One.”
2 Corinthians 10:5 TPT
As you “spring clean” your life, be determined to clean your mind by throwing out old ways of thinking. Setting this new healthy boundary on your mind will bring forth the joy you are seeking! Your mental health will improve as will each area of your life. Setting healthy boundaries on your mind will allow God to give you his vision for your future. You will find yourself thinking more like Christ growing from glory to glory. In this way you will be united with Christ and agreeing with him as the two of you take control to make all things new!
Happy “spring cleaning” to you, my friend! Keep improving, keep growing more and more into the likeness of Christ!
I am so thankful to Jesus for his new mercies every day! He has continually shown me how to clean up my life. Coming from a very dysfunctional family of origin, God gave me clear direction on who would be in my inner and outer circle. I now have an incredible support system in place along with an incredible family, a wonderful husband, three grown children, a son-in-law, a daughter-in-law and three grandchildren, all who love the Lord.
God will do the same for you. He will work everything out for your good. If at any time you need a word of prayer or you would like to process how to go about building your inner and outer circle, don’t hesitate to call our ministry, 949-542-7166, or email your prayer request to LaVonne@LaVonneEarl.com.
God has not asked you to take this journey of life alone. He has equipped you with his body, and we are here to serve you.
I love you my fellow believer, I am praying for you. God bless you and keep you, may his face shine upon you and give you peace.