Trusting God with Every Breath

Once upon a time, there lived a little girl who had a big heart and lots of love to give. She lived with her sweet parents, younger brother, and 2 kitties. Her world was her room, which was filled with toys, dolls, and books. She wanted for nothing. She had everything.
As she played with her dolls, she dreamed about her future. Her playmate and her married multiple times in the backyard among stuffed animals as witnesses. She prayed and asked Jesus into her heart, sang songs at church, and twinkled her toes during dance.
As she grew, her fingers flew over the keys as music became her companion. She wanted to be a concert pianist, gymnast, or a fashion designer. As unsure as she was about her job, she knew she wanted to live in a high-rise condo in the heart of NYC. Wearing heels to work of course. Life wasn’t perfect, but it was amazing.
Life was simple. Beautifully simple. Junior year of high school, she was swept off her feet by a local boy who lived in her village. After years of dating and engagement, she was married during a huge church ceremony with all the trimmings. She had four beautiful children, two girls and two boys. Life settled down into the mothering role she had always deep down wanted. She nestled her babies in her lap. She sang them songs, laughed at their antics, and went on lots of walks. They collected leaves to press, carved pumpkins, made cookies, and read thousands of stories. Life wasn’t perfect, but it was amazing.
Two decades later, her husband departed, seeking a life elsewhere. The little girl, now a grown woman, was reduced to tears as she picked up the pieces left. She was strong for her children, and they all worked together, making their home as safe and peaceful as possible. She knew God was still on the throne and would see them through safely to the end. Life wasn’t perfect, but it was still amazing. Her trust in God grew and grew.
After a while, she began to feel lonely. Like part of her soul was missing. God was there and told her not to worry, that He would take care of it. When she least expected it, Prince Charming rode into town and stopped at her house. He picked her up for dinner and they were together forevermore. They became the best of friends and loved the other with all their heart. She stood amazed at God’s provision. God knew exactly what was missing for both her and her Prince Charming. And God amazed them both.
Looking back at her life, she recounted all the details God had provided for her. As she began to think back over her life, a smile spread over her face. Even in the darkest of times, God had been there. He was in the tender care of her parents. He was in the protection of her husband while he was there. He was in the sounds of her children as they played and grew into the miracles they were. He was in the tender love of her Prince Charming. God was there in the dark of night and light of day. Every moment of every day. And life was amazing. Completely. And they lived happily ever after.
That was me. My fairytale. And just like you, we all had dreams when we were little, and adventures as we grew, all mixed up with joys and sorrows. Life really is grand, isn’t it? But sometimes it stinks. Like really bad. Life can knock us down without warning, even when it’s not our fault. Illness, ending relationships, death, and divorce can all bring profound changes to our lives. And you’re correct: it simply isn’t fair. Each of us has our own story filled with trials, hurts, and pain, all arriving in different degrees. Big or small, each are valid, costing us something dear. My story is not epic. It’s just mine. But I feel compelled to share for the sake of freedom. God desires to carry all our burdens, regardless of their size, making all things new. How does he? Well, for our part, we must relinquish control and ask instead for God’s help. The difficult part is letting go and trusting Him with our troubles. All of them. Trust me; our troubles are safer when kept in God’s capable hands. We must trust Him above all else.
“Trust only in God every moment! Tell him all your troubles and pour out your heart-longings to him. Believe me when I tell you—he will help you!”
Psalm 62:8 TPT
So, what is my story? I was married to my high school sweetheart for twenty years. We had two girls, two boys, a golden retriever, and a beautiful older home. You know—the kind that looks amazing with Christmas candles in every window? I stayed home with the children, homeschooling them, and making sweet memories all families do. Out of the blue, my then husband broke to me he had always been gay. To say I was devastated is an understatement. It rocked our world and things began to continue falling apart throughout that year, ending in divorce. It was also my first-year teaching, make that my first time working outside the home. Two of my children were going through trials of their own, and our beloved golden retriever died. Pretty bad year, yes? You bet!
Remember how God must carry our burdens, regardless of their size? How we must trust God above all else? God prepared me for this disastrous year through two specific things: returning to school for my teaching license and filling my formerly void devotional life with rich truth the previous two years. Through that epic year, God continued to stay close by my side as I picked up the pieces of our lives. As I leaned on God alone, he faithfully kept my peace whole. Yes, there were moments of complete despair, but also a foundation of trust. Every time I felt like dying, I would remember who was by my side. God was faithful, showing me what steps to take. One day, I had a sense God wanted me to share his faithfulness with our broken world. So, I plopped down at the computer and began my first devotion. I’ve been writing almost weekly ever since. As I’ve grown in my relationship with God, I can attest how faithful and loving our God is to us, his precious children. I know he will be as faithful to you as he is to me.
“Keep trusting in the Lord and do what is right in his eyes. Fix your heart on the promises of God, and you will dwell in the land, feasting on his faithfulness.”
Psalm 37:3 TPT
When God carries your burdens, it doesn’t matter how life knocks us down. Every experience, big or small, brings pain and difficulty. Here’s the good news: it doesn’t have to be the end for us. How we respond to life’s challenges defines us. There will be days when all we want is to wave our white flag, retreating into bed. But with God’s strength, we can instead rise victorious over whatever life throws us.
“Do not yield to fear, for I am always near. Never turn your gaze from me, for I am your faithful God. I will infuse you with my strength and help you in every situation. I will hold you firmly with my victorious right hand.”
Isaiah 41:10 TPT
Should we choose to bless God in all things or curse our existence? The world honors victim status, continually blaming anything and anyone else for our lot in life. It might seem to be justified, but seeking pity and entitlement is not God’s way. I would rather live victoriously, as an overcomer. With God, we can. When we trust him with every detail or every moment, he guides us out of darkness and into safety, allowing us to hold our heads high and love freely. I assure you, God deeply cares for every part of you. Placing a genuine smile across your face after life’s hard knocks is a testimony to how big our God is. Don’t you want that as your testimony to our broken world?
“No matter what, I’ll trust in you to help me. Nothing will stop me from praising you to magnify your glory! I couldn’t begin to count the times you’ve been there for me. With the skill of a poet I’ll never run out of things to say about how you faithfully kept me from danger. I will come forth in your mighty strength, O my Lord God. I’ll tell everyone that you alone are the perfect one.”
Psalm 71:14–16 TPT
Sometimes we don’t take the time to notice how faithful God is to us each day. His faithfulness is unwavering, extending back through all your years. You’ll notice it when you really see the details of your life. Whether you simply look back at life or look around today, you will notice God’s faithfulness as I have. The details He shows us, sharing His faithfulness to us. What are some examples? Open and closed doors. A friend calls to check in, a note pops into your mail or inbox, flowers that grace your table, or a family member’s smile. God’s faithfulness is not only shown in how he prepares you for trouble, but how he walks with you each day, giving you things that make you break out in a grin. When we really see how God is faithful in the little things, we can trust him fully when life becomes dark. That’s what happened to me. I grew up, knowing I could always trust God. But when life crashed down around me, I had to rely on gut level trust, which was unlike anything I had ever experienced. We can trust God because he has and always will be faithful to us. Recognizing this, we can stand taller, knowing he is our protector. He is our strength. He is our peace. And he is our provider of all things.
Are you ready? Ready to wholeheartedly trust God? Take a moment to sincerely ask him to help. Surrender yourself completely to his will for your life. I can assure you, based on my own experiences, that his faithfulness towards you will be unwavering. But it’s your choice. Remember God is aware of your past, present with you today, and will walk beside you in your future. He desires to have an intimate connection with you, serving as your closest friend and the one you rely on for every breath. Allow him to enter every aspect of your life, not just on designated days or when the mood strikes. Embrace his presence in every moment of every day. As you consistently fix your eyes on God, your trust will grow, and his faithfulness will fill the pages of your journal while you record his goodness to you. Most importantly, his peace will reside within your heart, mind, and body. God’s constant presence has brought joy, victory, and confidence into my life. Without him, I would be nothing but a broken mess on the floor, consumed by me, myself, and I. Trusting God is your bottom line. A game changer. Join me in this journey. Remember, life may be unfair, but with God by your side, it will not matter. Fairytales don’t always have happy endings. They have ugly parts like real life. But you can end your story by standing tall because you are already victorious. You are protected and deeply loved by God. Trust him today for your every breath.

Start your day with a breath of hope.
Trusting God with Every Breath by Amy Mecham is a 365-day devotional that offers strength and encouragement to move through the ups and downs of life. Each day includes Scripture, a devotion, and personal reflection to help you draw on God’s love, power, and redemption to breathe new life into your faith journey.
Trusting God isn’t always easy, but it’s always worth it. Click here to learn more.