Wrapped in Christ

What a thought…Christ has wrapped himself around your soul!
The joy of our life is to know Jesus Christ loves us, satisfies us, and fills us with his presence. And even greater joy comes when you see yourself today wrapped in Christ!
We only wrap up valuable gifts. The greater the value of the gift, the more beautiful will be the wrapping. You are God’s love gift to his Son and Jesus now wraps you into his glory. You have a perfect place of standing before God. The Father sees through the love-lens of his Son. Your sin is not showing, his grace is! You look just like Jesus to the Father.
Everything Jesus has is yours. his righteousness, his perfections, his loving heart—they have all been transferred to your account. Everything Jesus is before the Father, so are you as you appear before him. What glory to know that your imperfections never get in the way of the love relationship you now have with God. He only sees you as wrapped in Christ!
The sonship of Jesus with his Father is now the same relationship you have with God. Pause a moment to consider that. Jesus is not ashamed to present you faultless before the Throne. Both you and Jesus look alike in heaven, for you are wrapped in Christ! Amazing, life changing truth!
The blood of Jesus and his victorious cross has purchased for you a salvation so glorious that we need 100 dictionaries to describe it! Your union with Jesus is complete in heaven, now it’s time for you to see it complete on earth.
My old identity has been co-crucified with Christ and no longer lives. And now the essence of this new life is no longer mine, for the Anointed One lives his life through me—we live in union as one! My new life is empowered by the faith of the Son of God who loves me so much that he gave himself for me, dispensing his life into mine! (Galatians 2:20 TPT). Drink deeply of this heavenly substance. You are joined with the Father, you are joined with the Spirit, and you are joined with Christ. How does it feel to one with the 3-in-1?
Our union with Christ expresses God to this world. Our lives will be transformed from deep within as we walk in this truth. The Hope of Glory is Christ in us today, not Christ in heaven someday, but NOW we are the sons and daughters of the Almighty! To be wrapped in Christ is to know that nothing can destroy your faith nor your love for God. You are wrapped securely, snuggly into the very being of Jesus Christ. You are carried in his heart as the look-alike partner he has always longed for. He died for you so that you would be wrapped in eternal love.
Today God is calling you to let him be your life. You can never make yourself like Christ, but God already has made that possible through faith in the Lamb of God.
See yourself this way:
I am not in sin, I am in Christ.
I am not in sorrow, I am in Christ.
I am not in a struggle, I am in Christ.
Wrapped in his heart you will not be disappointed. Years ago, I was taught to never see myself apart from Christ, for God never does. To look at yourself apart from Christ is to be disappointed. To see yourself wrapped in Christ is to be delighted!
I hope these words will encourage you today my friend.
Love and joy to you,
Brian Simmons
Claim full gospel freedom as you encounter Christ’s power in you.
The thirteen letters of Paul were written to encourage, inspire, and instruct the church in the importance of right doctrine and right living. His words are bursting with the rich, glorious realities of new life in Christ.
Wrapped in Christ shares 365 daily devotions and prayers to immerse you in heaven’s freedom, love, truth, hope, and joy. Featuring Scripture from The Passion Translation, this devotional will strengthen you to live in total life-union with Jesus.