April 29, 2024

Letting God Interrupt Your Day

I’m a linear thinker. Most days I consider it a superpower, one that serves me well in business, in ministry, and in life. But I confess, […]
November 27, 2023

5 Things I Got Wrong About Christian Community

I sulked alone poolside, soaking my feet and soothing my ego, wondering how it all went so wrong. God was doing a new thing. Or at […]
August 4, 2022

When God Doesn’t Heal (Like You Think He Should)

Jehovah Rapha, God Our Healer, always heals. It’s who he is, and what he does. Problem is, he doesn’t always heal like we expect him to […]
February 21, 2022

A Promised-Land Life Worth Fighting For

Miracles can be powerful motivators. At least in theory. Try as we may to not put the Lord our God to a test (Matthew 4:7), we […]
July 26, 2021

Co-Creating With God (On a Deadline)

It’s going to take a miracle. The hopelessly hopeful words of those who dare to co-create with God. Current Situation: I have a writing project in […]