Our Amazing Bible!

It would be impossible to calculate how many lives have been changed forever by the power of the Bible, the living Word of God! My life was transformed forever because I believed the message contained in Scripture about Jesus, the Savior.
There is comfort, hope, and encouragement to be received when we read the Bible. Whether it’s read through a website, phone app, or paper copy in your hand, the message of God’s love shines brightly on every page.
Here are four things I want you to know about the importance of God’s Word.
The Bible is our Standard
The Bible is important. It matters that we believe it. The Bible is the throbbing heart of our faith. Tear out that heart, and our belief system is dead. Every follower of Jesus shares a belief system deeply rooted in the Bible. Believers from every age and every culture have a standard, the gold standard of our faith: our amazing Bible!
The importance of Scripture cannot be overstated. We find truth within its pages, truth that does not change over time or diminish. The glory of God radiates from the living words of Scripture. They give us the ancient standard. If we model our faith on think-so and new claims, our faith will not be the faith that Christ gave the world. On the other hand, if our faith is what the writings of the prophets and apostles teach, we will have a God-breathed and truly powerful faith for our salvation.
“For through the eternal and living Word of God you have been born again. And this “seed” that he planted within you can never be destroyed but will live and grow inside of you forever. For . . . the grass dries and withers and the flowers fall off, but the Word of the Lord endures forever!”
1 Peter 1:23–25 TPT
The Bible is the Story of our Hero
Scripture is important because it tells us all we need to know about Jesus. He is our hero and human model. He means more to us than any person. He gave his life for us (1 Tim. 2:3–6). Although we have never seen him, we love him passionately, and long for the day when we will see him face to face (1 Peter 1:7–9, Rev. 22:4, 1 John 3:2).
Without Scripture, we would know almost nothing about Jesus. It is the Bible that gives us detailed information about who Jesus is; why he was born; why he died; how he rose again; and where he went. He is the Bible’s greatest hero, the mighty man who conquers evil and comes to our rescue.
“And so the Living Expression
John 1:14 TPT
became a man and lived among us!
We gazed upon his glory,
the glory of the One and Only
who came from the Father
overflowing with tender mercy and truth!”
Every day as I read the Bible, I’m looking for Jesus! He is there on every page. His living presence is with me as I read and discover more of who he is. This quest to find Jesus in the Word has been rewarded over and over with seeing more of him. He lives in the letters of Paul, the gospels, the history of Israel, Creation’s glory, and the consummation of the ages. Jesus is the Teacher of my heart and the Shepherd of my soul. Your great delight will be to find him in your daily Bible reading.
The Bible Tells Us How to Live
Everything we need for life and godliness is found in the written Scripture. It is the source of wisdom and revelation, counsel and good decisions. To be saturated in the truths of the Bible will keep you from error and darkness. To love the Word is to turn from the world and its false values and relentless temptations. I’m thrilled to see how the Word changes lives. We saw it in our jungle village when the Paya-Kuna had the completed New Testament, and we have seen it today as millions of lives are being transformed by its living truth.
The Bible reveals the mind of Christ, that is, we can live pure lives as we follow the wisdom found in Scripture. We can know God’s heart when we know his words. We can understand what the will of the Lord is (Eph. 5:17) and fulfill the destiny God has for our lives. To be that wise, we must use Scripture to enlighten us.
“God has transmitted his very substance into every Scripture, for it is God-breathed. It will empower you by its instruction and correction, giving you the strength to take the right direction and lead you deeper into the path of godliness. Then you will be God’s servant, fully mature and perfectly prepared to fulfill any assignment God gives you.”
2 Timothy 3:16–17 TPT
The Bible is Unlocked for Us by the Holy Spirit
People can read the same Bible and come up with all kinds of interpretations. Which one is correct? Why are there so many differing opinions about truths in the Bible? That’s a great question; let’s see if we can find an answer.
Understanding the Bible requires that you have an intimate relationship with God’s Spirit. The author of the Bible is the Holy Spirit, for he “breathed” upon its writers with divine inspiration (2 Tim. 3:16–17). The best Bible teacher is the One who wrote it! The Holy Spirit holds the key to unlocking the deepest mysteries of our faith and the deepest truths that will change our hearts.
The Word of God and the Holy Spirit are married! The Spirit is the divine Spouse of the Word. They will never separate or file for divorce. You cannot have one without the other. When you have one, you get the other! So the Spirit of Truth is the One who will unveil the meaning of Scripture. Trust him, turn to him when you read the Word, and watch living-revelation jump from its pages!
“For we have the living Word of God, which is full of energy, like a two-mouthed sword. It will even penetrate to the very core of our being where soul and spirit, bone and marrow meet! It interprets and reveals the true thoughts and secret motives of our hearts.”
Hebrews 4:12 TPT

Now let’s conclude by giving you some metaphors for the Word of God. There are many symbols God chooses to show us different aspects of the power of his Word. Here are some of them.
God’s Word is like:
- A Hammer that breaks the rock in pieces (Jer. 23:29). It shatters illusions, deceptions, false dogmas, and stubborn hearts. But before you wield that mighty hammer on someone else, make sure you have allowed the Word to break open your own heart. Those with tender hearts will never abuse this mighty tool in our words and deeds with others.
- Water that washes, cleanses, and perfects the bride of Christ (Eph. 5:26). Jesus can change the “water” into wine. Dull, dead doctrines can be converted into cherished truths that change hearts.
- Milk that nourishes and strengthens us. Every newborn believer needs the “milk” of God’s Word (1 Peter 2:2).
- Meat to chew on over and over—the deeper revelations of God (Heb. 5:12–6:3). The deepest revelations of God are found in the Cross.
- Manna—full of mystery, falling from heaven. Don’t be surprised if you don’t understand it all!
- The Breath of God that inspires and empowers us for ministry.
- Fire—to consume us and burn in our bones! The fire of God’s Word will burn through apathy, passivity, and lukewarmness.
- Honey—sweet and life-giving. It brightens our lives with dazzling truths!
- A Seed that grows and brings forth Christ within us (1 Peter 1:23). Life is in the seed of the Word of God; it is the life of Christ, the Living Expression.
- Yes, Jesus is the Living Expression made flesh (John 1:14).
I hope you’ll commit today to a daily routine (it is delight, not duty!) of finding time to read, study, ponder, and embrace the written Word of God. You’ll never regret it! There is power, life, and glory in the Word of God.
“God conceals the revelation of his word
Proverbs 25:2 TPT
in the hiding place of his glory.
But the honor of kings is revealed
by how they thoroughly search out
the deeper meaning of all that God says.”
God hides his Word in his glory. So get into the glory of his presence and see the Word opened up before your eyes!
Love you, friend!
Brian Simmons
The Passion Translation Project
So, it is important that we have an English text of the Bible that releases revelation and truth into our hearts. The Passion Translation is committed to bringing forth the potency of God’s Word in relevant, contemporary vocabulary that doesn’t distract from its meaning or distort it in any way. So many have told us that they are falling in love with the Bible again as they read TPT.
One could describe The Passion Translation as a humble attempt at bringing God’s eternal truth into a heart-level expression that causes truth and love to jump out of the text and lodge inside our hearts. A desire to remain accurate to the text and a desire to communicate God’s heart of passion for his people are the two driving forces behind TPT. So for those new to Bible reading, we hope The Passion Translation will excite and illuminate. For scholars and Bible students, we hope The Passion Translation will bring the joys of new discoveries from the text and prompt deeper consideration of what God has spoken to his people. Pick up a copy and see for yourself. We all have so much more to learn and discover about God in his holy Word!
Discover the latest edition of The Passion Translation New Testament with Psalms, Proverbs, and Song of Songs.